3ft Original Slider

Camera travel:
Dry weight:
Shipping weight:
Shipping dim.:
36 pounds
36” x 12” x 2.5”
75 pounds
42” x 12” x 9”

3ft Original Slider
The 3ft Original Slider™ Camera-Movement System is a must-have tool. It’s small enough to get into tight spots, yet big enough to get the job done. Its compact size gives you freedom to design fluid shots in planes, trains, boats and other cramped locations. Underslung or overslung, the Slider gives you peace of mind.
The 3ft Original Slider™ not only gives you movement, it also adds stability in otherwise difficult lock-off situations. Sometimes just getting the camera to a position and keeping it there can be a task. For example, when you’re shooting out on a building ledge or you’re shooting through a ring light for a beauty shot.
It also gives you peace of mind to know that the camera is mounted securely in situations where you’re shooting above talent.

On & Off the road
It’s easy to rig the 3ft Original Slider™ with Speedrail or baby pins for support. Or you can simply screw it to the floor. At 36 inches, this Slider is not much wider than most camera dollies. And it can work with the dolly to navigate through tight sets and practical locations.
With the 3ft and 4ft Original Slider™, you have the option of being able to move the mounting from the standard center position to an offset position that extends the Slider’s reach.
This feature comes in handy when shooting car interiors or tabletop, as it allows the camera to reach deeper into the car or farther across the table.
Engraved index marks make it easy to find and repeat camera positions. And it helps the camera assistant maintain critical focus, so everyone looks good. The operator can also pre-set the adjustable stops to control the camera’s range of motion.
3ft Slider
running the streets of Thailand
Nothing beats the "Original"